
Breaking Boredom Series | Stay-At-Home Movie Theater Edition!

Home Movie Theater

The “quarantine crazies” are STRONG in our house, y’all! (Ok ok, it’s mostly me going crazy. I’ll own it.) But seriously, although the past couple of months have brought about a lot of boredom, they’ve also helped us develop quite a bit of creativity in the way we do things around our house.

Friday nights have always been pizza and movie night in our house. BUT…

But thanks to a viral Facebook post by a woman I have never met (but would love to thank, if I could remember where I saw the post!), I was inspired to try her idea and turn our home into a movie theater one Friday night.

And it was a HUGE hit!

Using, I created movie posters, tickets, and a menu for the “snack bar.” The kids were assigned random household chores that day to earn movie theater money (toy money from the dollar tree) to use for their own tickets and snacks. I made sure they each had enough money to purchase popcorn, a drink, and either candy or cookies, but not enough to buy everything, so they had to choose how they wanted to spend their money and stay within their budget (and also avoid tummy aches).

So it was also a fun learning experience, and they had no idea they were learning!

Best part of all, my kids took the movie theater idea and ran with it.

Now every Friday we take turns with who is running the theater. That person picks the movie, designs the posters and tickets, sets up the snack bar, and collects the money.

So. Much. Fun. I had no idea it would turn out to be such a hit, but I’m so glad I saw that Facebook post from the woman I don’t know, and I’m so thankful she shared her wonderful idea. Because it has brought a little extra happy to my family during these sometimes excruciatingly boring times.

How has your family been breaking the stay-at-home boredom?

Has your family started any new fun stay-at-home activities during quarantine? If so, I’d love to know what they are. Please comment if you have an idea you’d like to share! 🙂

XOXO ~Kristin

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