
Why Hope

Why Hope

If the enemy can steal our hope, than he can shut us up.

He can silence us and make us stagnant.

He can put a stop to us even trying.

He can eliminate us from the equation of what God has planned for our lives…

…IF he can only steal our hope.

That is why I choose to hope.

When I cling to my hope in Jesus, I am reminded that I have purpose.

When I allow myself to forget, to let go of my hope and my purpose, I allow the enemy to steal it right out from under me.

I give him permission to take control of my mind when I open the door to the thoughts he knocks on it with…

Messed up.


When I allow the enemy to place these lies and beliefs in my mind, I hand over my future to him. I stop letting God be God in my life, and I waste the time and opportunities He has for me, right now, in this moment.

I forget the truths and the promises that God says for me and about me. The ones that contradict everything the enemy says…

I am loved.
I am forgiven.
I have a hope and a future.
I was created with purpose.
And I don’t have to be perfect to be loved or to live out my purpose.

But he said to me, “My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness.” So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me.

2 Corinthians 12:9

That is why I choose to hope. And that is why I hope that you also never lose hope.

So you can remember that you have purpose.

You always have.

And you always will. 💕

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