
When You’re Suffocating in Your Blessings…

Talk about feeling guilty…

When everything around me is a blessing. Family. A good job. Provision. A safe and cozy home. Clothes on our backs. And yet, I feel burdened. As though I’m suffocating from these blessings that others would give anything for.

Have you ever felt that way?

Yes, you know you are blessed. But…

You’re also afraid… that you’re not taking care of your family the “right” way.

Burdened… by worry that you’re doing something wrong.

Scared… that your job won’t always be there.

Suffocating… because you are constantly needed. Someone needs something from you at every waking moment – your kids, your spouse, your job, your home. And you feel like you can’t get a break to catch your breathe in the midst of it all.

G U I L T Y… Because you feel negatively about all that you’ve been blessed with.

Depressed… because you feel unworthy of these blessings that you feel like you forgot how to appreciate.

Desperate… For a change of heart and mind.

And that’s where we fall at the feet of Jesus and give it all up.

Because we can’t do it all. We’re not supposed to be perfect. We’re going to make mistakes. We’re supposed to need Him.

God is in control, of everyone and everything around us, no matter what we get right or wrong. No matter if we’ve lost our temper too many times, gave our kids too much sugar, forgotten too many important tasks… or if we by some miracle get it all right for once and still can’t seem to please everyone.

Just breathe. And trust that the God who made you did it with purpose and intention.

Yes, there is always something to be thankful for. But it is ok to feel the pain, the suffocation, the burden of your blessings, and fall at the feet of Jesus and offer it up to Him. Because He wants us as we are so that He can change and heal our hearts. He’s not waiting for us to change them before we come to Him.

Our blessings are truly responsibilities. And they burden us because we care. They are responsibilities that we need Him to help us with. And He’s waiting for us to reach out and take his hand in the middle of our blessed chaos.

You’re not a failure. You’re human. Just the way you were meant to be. Remember that God is in control of the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. And trust that in Him, everything will work out as it should.

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